Saturday, January 28, 2017

Train up a child in the way they shall go!

Prov22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek
God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old
he will not depart from it.

When I was a child, I cannot ever remember praying "for" someone else. I
was only really concerned about what was going on outside. I look back over
my life and see many different seasons. I look at the examples of some of
the people that I have followed and the impact that they made on my life. I
also look at those that have followed after me, before I knew Jesus, and
have seen the destruction and chaos that I left in the wake. As a
Christian, I desire to see the legacy that I am leaving behind. Last night
I saw another part of it, something different. My 4 year old
grand-daughter, Trinytee Fayth loves to dance. She always wants to "Shake"
and "Day", dance to Shake by Mercy Me and From The Day by I Am They.
Usually after dancing I pray and she goes to bed. Recently, I have not been
feeling well, and it seems as if it has been on and off for awhile.
Trinytee Fayth has seen this, not knowing what is going on, and wanted to
pray for me. She prayed, "Pa's got a cold Jesus, make him better, amen".
She has seen the healing power of God when I have prayed for her. There is
no greater legacy that I can think of to leave behind than one of a child
who has faith, prays to God and expects an answer. Praise God for little
children who show us what true, pure, and honest love is all about.


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