Thursday, January 26, 2017

Please pray for me!

Rom15:30 I urge you, believers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of
the Spirit, to join together with me in your prayers to God in my behalf
2Tim4:7 I have fought the good and worthy and noble fight, I have finished
the race, I have kept the faith [firmly guarding the gospel against error].

"Please pray for me" are words that I hear from others and yet very rarely
ask. There are battles that we all face everyday that can be challenging
and that we don't understand. There are many people that we look at as
being strong in the faith, and don't really see that they are smiling
through pain, crying when no one sees, and fighting battles that only God
knows about. Recently I have experienced many different challenges,
physical, mental and emotional. I know that there are others that are
suffering a lot more than I. Recently I saw a man that was just diagnosed
with Leukemia, and I have a friend that is bi-polar and suffers depression,
and have met many that are homeless. I am not asking prayers for myself of
healing, clarity of mind or focus, or prosperity and fortune. I am asking
and will offer to any who want, prayer to fight the good fight of faith and
to finish the race set before us. May our Lord Jesus Christ help each of
His children to keep the faith, endure to the end no matter what we are
facing, by the power of Holy Spirit, in Jesus precious and powerful name,


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