Wednesday, September 4, 2024

1 Samuel 16:18 Worship Ministry

 ”Then one of the servants answered and said, “Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome person; and the Lord is with him.”“

‭‭I Samuel‬ ‭16‬:‭18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

a. Look, I have seen a son of Jesse: Saul’s servants suggested a search; Saul commanded the search, and then one of Saul’s servants found this son of Jesse named David.

b. Skillful in playing: David needed skill to lead Saul in worship and to minister to him in music. The technical quality of his music was important. The heart matters, but so does technical ability.

i. This doesn’t mean that a person must be a virtuoso before God can use them. But it does mean that they cannot tolerate a too casual, unconcerned, lazy, “we don’t really need to practice” attitude. Skillful in playing reflects an attitude as much as it reflects an ability.

c. A mighty man of valor, a man of war: David needed the character of a warrior to effectively lead Saul in worship and to minister to him in music. Worship ministry is a constant battleground. There are often conflicts and contentions surrounding worship ministry and if someone isn’t equipped and ready for spiritual warfare they will probably be spiritually and emotionally “injured” in worship ministry, and probably “wound” others.

i. So much of what makes a person a good musician or a good artist goes against true worship ministry. The need for ego satisfaction and the desires for the spotlight, prominence, and attention each work against effective worship.

d. Prudent in speech: David needed to speak wisely to effectively lead Saul in worship or to minister to him in music. Good worship ministry needs a lot of diplomacy. Everyone has an opinion on music and a suggestion. Effective worship ministers know when to speak and when to be quiet on the platform, among the team, and in the congregation.

e. A handsome person: David was a good-looking young man (1 Samuel 16:12). An effective worship minister doesn’t need to be a fashion model, but their appearance is important. They need to present themselves so as to be invisible. If they are so dressed up or so dressed down that their appearance calls attention to themselves, it needs to change.

f. The LORD is with him: This is the most important attribute. The other measures will grow and develop, but it must be said of any worship minister, the LORD is with him. This means that they are called by God, submitting to God, and submitting to whatever leadership the LORD has placed over them. (Guzik)

Worship Ministry 

A worship ministry at church is a favorite thorn of the devil because if he can disrupt this ministry it derails the flow of worship music to the Lord. In the last nine years our church has gone through many directors of worship. One left after two years but the others fell from grace for one reason or another. 

Please pray for protection for our new worship director and that the Lord uses him mightily.


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