Friday, July 14, 2023

Judges 1:33 Constant Trust in Him

  33Naphtali failed to drive out the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh and Beth-anath. So the Naphtalites also lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land, but the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh and Beth-anath served them as forced laborers.

“God never intended for Israel to conquer the land of Canaan easily; He never intended it to happen quickly. Exodus 23:29-30 and Deuteronomy 7:22-24 both say that God intended to give them the land little by little. Though God planned for Israel to take the land through constant trust in Him and frequent battles, they failed to do this and therefore did not drive out the inhabitants. It was almost as if Israel said, “If we can’t have it easy, then we don’t want it at all.”” (Guzik)

Constant Trust in Him

The other day I was shopping at Sam’s Club and noticed some Amish shoppers. I thought to myself, I admire their simplistic lifestyle and then there was “us” running around like bee’s in a bee 🐝 hive. Then I recalled the documentary from a father and son who were excommunicated from the Amish community. What was their sin? He was made a minister and given the Bible which he didn’t understand and got an English version and used it instead. 

Their “religion”, language and Bible is in the Early New High German language and only the bishop or minister has “the” Bible. 

How can the anyone have constant trust in Him if the Bible is in another language and the leadership doesn’t allow bible’s amongst the community?

Reminds me of the reformation period with Martian Luther.

Brethren, we need to have and keep constant trust in Him and to do so we have to study His word (bible) daily.

Are you studying your Bible?


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