Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Deuteronomy 24:16 Die for his own sin!

 16Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin.

(Guzik) a. “A person shall be put to death for his own sin: God commanded that each individual be responsible for his or her own sin. A father cannot be blamed and responsible for the sin of their (grown) children, and the children cannot be blamed and responsible for the sin of their parents.

i. It is wrong for a parent to automatically blame themselves for their wayward children; though they may have a part in the problem, it isn’t always the case.

b. For his own sin: There are instances when God commands that a whole family be punished for sin, such as with the family of Achan in Joshua 7:16-26. When God deals with a whole family, it shows that there must have been some conspiracy between family members, for each is responsible for his own sin.”

This verse was difficult for me to grasp because I was thinking in terms of the New Testament not the Old Testament! 

Guzik’s Enduring Word helped me grasp my wrong thinking. It also reminded me of Cain’s sin of murdering his brother Able. 

Did it happen because of his upbringing?

Would it have happened if Adam and Eve didn’t sin?

Sometimes we just need to accept that in a sinful world, a bad seed is born.

Cain was a bad seed and instead of the Lord killing him for his sin, He marked him and put a curse on him for his lifetime.

If your reading this you still have time to repent your sin and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior because He took your punishment and died for you.

John 3:16


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