Saturday, January 30, 2021

Numbers 4:42-45 The Draft

 42And the Merarites were numbered by their clans and families, 43everyone from thirty to fifty years old who came to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting. 44The men registered by their clans numbered 3,200. 45These were counted from the Merarite clans, whom Moses and Aaron numbered at the LORD’s command through Moses.

The Draft

The Merarites were numbered (counted) by their clans and families, “the men registered by their clans numbered 3,200.”

When I graduated high school I had just turned eighteen and I had to register for the military draft. I was categorized, registered and entered into the lottery. My number was up because I received a low draft number from the lottery. Shortly thereafter the draft was discontinued. 

I recently read a story of a young man who enlisted at the age of fourteen during WW2 and he became a waist gunner on a bomber. The article even had a picture of him posing with a .50 caliber machine gun. The army air corps eventually found out he lied ðŸ¤¥ about his age and sent him home. 

After being born again I was drafted into the Lord’s army to serve Him. We’ve adopted, served in various church ministries, became a founding member of a chaplaincy, a volunteer chaplain serving our community, veterans at a veterans home and now I try to encourage fellow saints.

I was saved by grace and by grace I serve.


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