Friday, January 29, 2021

Numbers 4:38-41 Numbers

 38Then the Gershonites were numbered by their clans and families, 39everyone from thirty to fifty years old who came to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting. 40And those numbered by their clans and families totaled 2,630. 41These were counted from the Gershonite clans who served at the Tent of Meeting, whom Moses and Aaron counted at the LORD’s command.


When I was in grade school I had a problem with math, fractions and such. I just couldn’t comprehend it. We didn’t know that I was ADHD or that it even existed back then. My dad was repainting the living room and he sat me down on the couch and hammered into me the basics of math. After a long weekend a light ðŸ’¡ went on and I got it. When I raised my son I tried teaching him at the kitchen table but he still didn’t understand. So I would take him shopping with me and I would ask him to estimate the total “number” of $$ for goods by rounding up, the amount of $$ handed to the cashier, subtracting the $$ rounded up and change received. After a while he got the hang of it and he could make the purchase and tell the the amount of change we should receive. 

My mind couldn’t do algebra or geometry but thanks to my dad I got A’s in senior math and I still use those math “numbers” today when I shop.

The book of Numbers is adding up all the Israelites by their tribes, clans and assigning duties.

The Lord knows the number of hairs on your head.

Are you numbered by Him as His?


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