Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Hard Times!

Joy in Life's Hard Times” 

“Now, I find, in one place, it is recorded that, on a certain occasion, during a certain adverse condition of a nation, God promised that at evening time it should be light. If I found that in any human writing, I should suppose that the thing might have occurred once, that a blessing was conferred in emergency on a certain occasion, but I could not from it deduce a rule; but when I find this written in the Book of God, that on a certain occasion when it was evening time with His people God was pleased to give them light, I feel myself more than justified in deducing from it the rule, that always to His people at evening time there shall be light.” (Spurgeon)

It seems day in and day out life is just hard and Genesis 3 explains why!

The year 2020 was a bad year of hard times for many and the Bible foretells 2021 may be worse! It seems like the world and our country is racing towards destruction.

But Jesus and my wife help me get through it all and to His people at evening time there shall be light!

Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up and pray for those that are alone, that are struggling and are generally in hard times, please give then comfort and keep your hand of protection over them. Draw them closer to You, bless them and guide them through the Holy Spirit. Please give us joy in life’s hard times and we hold onto the rule “that at evening time there shall be light”! I pray this in Jesus name, amen.


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