Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Leviticus 19:4 What is an Idol?

 “Do not put your trust in idols or make metal images of gods for yourselves. I am the LORD your God. NLT

"Do not abandon me and worship idols; do not make gods of metal and worship them. I am the LORD your God. GNT

What is an idol?

“An idol can be anything we place ahead of God in our lives, anything that takes God’s place in our hearts, such as possessions, careers, relationships, hobbies, sports, entertainment, goals, greed, addictions to alcohol/drugs/gambling/pornography, etc.”

Other forms of an idol can be;

 A smartphone. 

Are you addicted to it? 

The internet.

Can’t stop searching it?

While both of these are useful tools we can put both of them ahead of the Lord.

I use an iPad and the internet to prepare my devotional. I recognize that I’m not a Charles Spurgeon or a Chuck Swindol but I make an attempt to read through the Bible by preparing it and I thank you for allowing me to send it to you. 

Preparing my devotional for you keeps me sane in this insane world and allows me to; Ephesians 6: 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Do you put on the full armor of God?

Blessings, David 

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