Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Proverbs 4:27 GWT #walkaway!

Proverbs 4:27 GWT Do not lean to the right or to the left. Walk away from evil.

#walkaway has been in the news the last few days. It’s a video campaign about a liberal man who woke up concerning evil of his political party. 
I encourage you to watch it. It will open your eyes.
The campaign is taking off like wildfire. 
Be a person for Jesus Christ and His truth.
Walk in His love!

This verse is about the path your feet walk in life. Solomon wrote this for his son. Walk the straight and narrow path with the Lord. 
If you lean right or left off the path eventually the whole body will turn from God. 

“Walk away from evil”! 
I might mention, run! Satan will use everything in his power to turn you. He uses a part, a member of your body. Your eyes, your ears, your hands, your feet and eventually he imprison’s your whole body.


Blessings, David 

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