Sunday, June 24, 2018

Matthew 7:6 Use discernment, cast your pearls wisely.

Matthew 7:6 Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

"Dogs" signify people who spurn, oppose, and abuse that doctrine; people of special sourness and malignity of temper, who meet it like growling and quarrelsome curs,” (Barnes)

Throw your pearls before swine. “the impure or coarse, who are incapable of appreciating the priceless jewels of Christianity.” (Jamieson-Facusset-Brown)

“The gospel is to be preached to every creature, Mark 16:15. But when the Jews were hardened, and spoke evil of that way before the multitude, Acts 19:9, the apostles left preaching them.” (Poole)

We all have family members who are not saved and when we try to talk to them about Jesus, they refuse to listen. This is where discernment comes into play. 
Are they respectful when you pray at the dinner table? If so choose your words wisely and teach by example. I have a family member who refuses to listen about God or Jesus but they know how I lived before Jesus, before being born again. So I lead by example and I pray for them daily. Part of the problem is my two sisters who claim to be Christians stole my fathers estate and my other family member used them and their Christianity as an example why not to become Christian. Quote, “If this is what Christianity means I want no part of it!”

But if they mock you, then don’t throw your pearls of wisdom before the swine because the swine will trample your jewels under their feet. Swine, pigs are only concerned about food and they won’t know or care about precious pearls or jewels.

Use discernment, cast your pearls wisely.

Blessings, David 

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