Friday, February 28, 2025

2 Samuel 3:17-19 Now Then Do It!

 ”Now Abner had communicated with the elders of Israel, saying, “In time past you were seeking for David to be king over you. Now then, do it! For the Lord has spoken of David, saying, ‘By the hand of My servant David, I will save My people Israel from the hand of the Philistines and the hand of all their enemies.’ ” And Abner also spoke in the hearing of Benjamin. Then Abner also went to speak in the hearing of David in Hebron all that seemed good to Israel and the whole house of Benjamin.“ II Samuel‬ ‭3‬:‭17‬-‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

a. Abner had communicated with the elders of Israel: It is significant that this word came from Abner regarding David instead of coming from David himself. Though he was the rightful king, David would not reign over Israel until they submitted to him freely. He never moved an inch without an invitation.

i. This is an illustration of Jesus’ lordship in our lives. He is in fact King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But He chooses (for the most part) to exercise His sovereignty only at our invitation.

· Some do not invite Jesus to rule over anything.

· Some invite Jesus to reign over a small area – like “Hebron.”

· Some give Jesus reign over everything He has authority over – which is everything.

ii. Abner is a good example of someone who eventually surrendered to God’s king. Now he wanted to influence others to also surrender to God’s king.

b. Now then, do it: Because of the word the LORD spoke of David, and because it was so right to do, this was something that should be done now. In this sense, it is very much like our commitment to follow Jesus - we should be told, “Now then, do it!

i. Charles Spurgeon has a wonderful sermon on this text titled, “Now Then, Do It.” In this sermon, he shows that the same principles of Israel’s embrace of David as king apply to our relationship with Jesus. “The Israelites might talk about making David king, but they would not crown him. They might meet together and say they wished it were so, but that would not do it. It might be generally admitted that he ought to be monarch, and it might even be earnestly hoped that one day he would be so, but that would not do it; something more decided must be done.” (Spurgeon)

c. For the LORD has spoken of David: The fact that Abner – who was a general, not a Bible scholar – knew these prophecies and the fact that he could ask the leaders of Israel to consider them means that these prophecies of David were widely known. Sadly, they were not widely respected – most of Israel was lukewarm and unenthusiastic in their embrace of David as king.

i. In this regard David prefigures His greater Son. Jesus fulfilled all manner of prophecy regarding the Messiah, yet He was rejected by all but a remnant of Israel.

ii. We don’t have a biblical record of this exact statement Abner said the LORD has spoken of David. “We read not that God had so said in express terms: but either Abner had heard of such a promise made at the anointing of David by Samuel, or else feigned it of his own head for his own ends.” (Trapp)


Now then, do it!

“The sooner it is done the better. Until the deed is done, remember you are undone; till Christ is accepted by you as king, till sin is hated and Jesus is trusted, you are under another king. Whatever you may think of it, the devil is your master.” (Spurgeon)

Have you done it?


Now Then Do It!

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