Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Ruth 2:14-16 You Shall Be Satisfied!

 ”Now Boaz said to her at mealtime, “Come here, and eat of the bread, and dip your piece of bread in the vinegar.” So she sat beside the reapers, and he passed parched grain to her; and she ate and was satisfied, and kept some back. And when she rose up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, “Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her. Also let grain from the bundles fall purposely for her; leave it that she may glean, and do not rebuke her.”Ruth‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

a. Dip your bread in the vinegar: Perhaps now, we see the first hint of a romance. Boaz showed great kindness and favor to Ruth at mealtime. It would be enough to have just invited her, but he also invited her to share fully in the meal, even the privileged dipping.

b. She ate and was satisfied, and kept some back: Ruth also may be awakening to some romance towards Boaz; she kept some back. She did not eat all that was offered to her, meaning that she didn’t want to seem like a greedy eater in front of Boaz, and that she was sensible enough to take some home to Naomi.

i. Ruth was satisfied, because she answered the generous invitation of Boaz. She was not one of the reapers, but she sat beside the reapers and ate as if she was one of them and she ate and was satisfied. In the same way, those outside the Kingdom of God and its promises can sit among the reapers, at the invitation of Jesus, and by faith they can eat and be satisfied.

ii. “‘She did eat, and was satisfied.’ Your head shall be satisfied with the precious truth which Christ reveals; your heart shall be content with Jesus, as the altogether lovely object of affection; your hope shall be satisfied, for whom have you in heaven but Christ? Your desire shall be satiated, for what can even the hunger of your desire wish for more than ‘to know Christ, and to be found in him.’ You shall find Jesus fill your conscience, till it is at perfect peace; he shall fill your judgment, till you know the certainty of his teachings; he shall fill your memory with recollections of what he did, and fill your imagination with the prospects of what he is yet to do. You shall be ‘satisfied.’” (Spurgeon)

c. Let her glean even among the sheaves: This was more generous than the command in Leviticus 19:9-10. Boaz would allow Ruth to take some from among the already gathered sheaves of grain.

d. Let some grain from the bundles fall purposefully for her: This was also beautiful. Boaz wanted to bless Ruth, but he didn’t want to dishonor her dignity by making her a charity case. So, he allowed some grain to fall, supposedly on accident, so that she could pick it up. (Guzik)

You Shall Be Satisfied!

When I was a child I came to know Jesus but when I was an adult I became “born again” and since then I’ve been reading and studying the Bible daily, it seems that the more I study the more I yearn and the sooner I wish to go home to be with Jesus. But my work here is not done! I continue to pray that my family comes to know Jesus so that they too can be born again, especially my younger brother. We’ve become closer as we grow older and I would love to see him in heaven. Unfortunately, all we can do is pray for him and be a light for Jesus as it’s up to the Holy Spirit to draw someone to Christ. So I continue to pray for my family.

“Your head shall be satisfied with the precious truth which Christ reveals; your heart shall be content with Jesus”!

Is your head satisfied and your heart content?


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