Friday, December 1, 2023

1 John 1:8 God Blesses Us Even Though ….

 1 John 1: 8If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Why does He bless us even though we are sinners? These last few years of inflation has taken its toll. Meat is up 25% and the food truck handouts at our church, the vehicles are lined up, looped through the whole parking lot all the way out to and on the highway! 

We are both hunters and deer 🦌 season is big in our state. I tried a week of archery and saw deer but they weren’t close enough. Then rifle season began for two weeks. We both saw deer but nothing we wanted to harvest. Last Sunday a snow storm started and two days later we had 22-24” of snow. Then the weather cleared and the deer started moving. We both decided we wouldn’t harvest a deer unless it was a big buck. It was the last day of the hunting season and my wife hunted alone.

I prayed Lord if it’s Your will please let her get a big buck. 🙏

At 5:05 pm I heard a shot and then received a picture of a 8 point buck my wife had harvested. Now we have more organic venison for the freezer!

Gods love amazes me, He loves us even though we are sinners and enjoys blessing us in many ways! 

The Lord hears our prayers and when our heart is contrite, He forgives us.

We have both had what we call our “God” deer. Deer that we know were sent by the Lord for us to harvest like this one, but they are another story that time doesn’t permit.

Acts 10: 13Then a voice said to him: “Get up, Peter, kill and eat!”

Have you ever prayed with a contrite heart and know that the Lord heard and answered your prayer?


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