Monday, August 7, 2023

Judges 4:4-5 Spokesman, Spokeswoman for God

 4Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at that time. 5And she would sit under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, where the Israelites would go up to her for judgment.

“A prophetess is a female prophet. The word prophet comes from the Greek word prophetes, which means “spokesman.” A prophet in the Bible is a person who proclaims God’s Word and therefore speaks for God—a spokesman for God. A prophetess was, therefore, a spokeswoman for God. The faithful prophet or prophetess was one who, regardless of whether or not he or she was listened to, spoke everything God said to speak. There are several prophetesses mentioned in the Bible.” ( 

“Some consider it unexpected for God to raise up a woman as prophetess. But the New Testament makes it clear that God grants the gift of prophecy unto women also, and they are to practice it appropriately (1 Corinthians 11:5).” (Guzik)

“Still more people consider it unexpected for God to raise up a woman to be a judge - a shaphat, a heroic leader for Israel. Deborah was a woman greatly used by God and she was also a woman who respected the people God put in authority over her - notably, Barak.” (Guzik)

“The issue, from a New Testament perspective, is not whether women can be used greatly by God. Of course they can. The issues are of headship, final accountability, and authority - and God has granted these responsibilities to men in both the home and the church. Women can be used greatly by God, but it is to be under the headship of male authority in the church.” (Guzik)

Years ago we were going through a rough spot in our marriage and I was pouring my heart out to God in prayer. I was at church and someone who I didn’t know came up to me and said he had a message for me from God. I was skeptical at first but said ok. He said that God wanted me to know my marriage was going to be ok.

How did this man know? He was a spokesman from God! A prophet! And he was correct!

Has a prophet or a prophetess ever spoken to you?


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