Friday, March 17, 2023

Joshua 9:24-27 Acceptance for Repentance

 24They replied to Joshua and said, “Because your servants were told in no uncertain terms that the LORD your God commanded His servant Moses to give you all the land, and to destroy all the land’s inhabitants before you, we feared greatly for our lives because of you, and so we did this [deceptive] thing. 25Now look, we are in your hands; do to us as it seems good and right in your sight.” 26So that is what he did to them; he rescued them from the hands of the Israelites and they did not kill them. 27Now on that day Joshua made them cutters and gatherers of firewood and water carriers for the congregation and for the altar of the LORD, to this day, in the place which He would choose.

“Both Rahab and the Gibeonites came to the God of Israel as sinners, Rahab as a harlot, and the Gibeonites as liars.” “Both Rahab and the Gibeonites were willing to risk the forsaking of their former associations and be counted among God’s people.”(Guzik)

“The Gibeonites became servants at the tabernacle, just as Joshua had commanded.

· Gibeon becomes a priestly city; the ark of the covenant stayed at Gibeon often in the days of David and Solomon (1 Chronicles 16:39-40 and 21:29).

· At least one of David’s mighty men was a Gibeonite (1 Chronicles 12:4).

· God appeared and spoke to Solomon at Gibeon (1 Kings 3:4-5).

· Gibeonites were among those who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem with Nehemiah (Nehemiah 3:7 and 7:25).

· Prophets such as Hananiah the son of Azur came from Gibeon (Jeremiah 28:1).” (Guzik)

What we see in this commentary is Gods love for us and His acceptance for repentance!

Lay your sins at the foot of the cross and be used mightily by the Lord.


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