Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Deuteronomy 32:39-42 There is no God besides Me!

 39See now that I am He;

there is no God besides Me.

I bring death and I give life;

I wound and I heal,

and there is no one

who can deliver from My hand.

40For I lift up My hand to heaven and declare:

As surely as I live forever,

41when I sharpen My flashing sword,

and My hand grasps it in judgment,

I will take vengeance on My adversaries

and repay those who hate Me.

42I will make My arrows drunk with blood,

while My sword devours flesh—

the blood of the slain and captives,

the heads of the enemy leaders.”

There is no God besides Me!

These verses in the Song of Moses should give everyone pause! 

Judgement is coming to this world, “I will take vengeance on My adversaries

and repay those who hate Me.”

How much more will God take vengeance on those that hate His Son?

“My sword devours flesh—

the blood of the slain and captives,

the heads of the enemy leaders.”

Get right with God before it’s too late.

He gave you a way out, a door to open, a gate to walk through!

John 3: 16For God so loved the world that He gave His one and onlye Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Loose your pride or loose your head!

Kneel and the the cross and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.


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