Saturday, January 29, 2022

Deuteronomy 5:20 False Witness

 20Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.

i. “Slander... is a lie invented and spread with intent to do harm. That is the worst form of injury a person can do to another. Compared to one who does this, a gangster is a gentleman, and a murderer is kind, because he ends life in a moment with a stroke and with little pain. But the man guilty of slander ruins a reputation which may never be regained, and causes lifelong suffering.” (Redpath)

ii. “Talebearing... is repeating a report about a person without careful investigation. Many, many times I have known what it is to suffer with that. To repeat a story which brings discredit and dishonor to another person without making sure of the facts, is breaking this commandment... How many people, especially Christian people, revel in this, and delight in working havoc by telling tales about others. To excuse the action by saying they believed the report to be true, or that there was no intention to malign, is no justification.” (Redpath)

iii. What about inappropriate silence? “When someone utters a falsity about another and a third person is present who knows that statement to be untrue but, for reasons of fear or being disliked, remains quiet, that third person is as guilty of breaking this law as if he had told a lie.” (Redpath)

 Colossians 3: 9Do not lie to one another, since you have taken off the old self with its practices, “How very strange that we have ever come to think that Christian maturity is shown by the ability to speak our minds, whereas it is really expressed in controlling our tongues.” (Redpath)

When I was in the 5th grade a student told our teacher that I swore, used an unspeakable word. I didn’t but the teacher wouldn’t let me participate in class until I admitted that I did. After six months of not participating I figured the only way to get out of exile was to admit to something I didn’t do, so I did. If this wasn’t slander that began with a lie then I don’t know what it is. ðŸ¤”


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