Monday, December 27, 2021

In the Blink of an Eye James 4:14

 Life changes in an instant. You step out the door in the morning and never return home. Maybe you just go out to mow the lawn, take care of the livestock or go to a doctors appointment. Maybe it’s just a short bike ride that ends in the blink of an eye. 

My husband recently lost a long time good friend. One afternoon he stepped out of the house for a bike ride. After a bit his wife became worried because he hadn’t returned home so she called a friend to go look for him. The friend came upon a sheriff sitting at the side of the road about a mile from his home. He recognized the bike laying in a heap. The friend had been transported to the hospital unconscious from the accident. 

He never again woke up. He never again got to tell his wife he loved her. He never again got to hold his great grandkids or enjoy a beautiful sunset or hear the big band music he so loved. He never got to say goodbye. 

I’ve heard people say Christmas is a bad time of the year to lose someone. I say there’s never a good time to lose someone. We are never prepared. 

So hold your loved ones a little tighter, kiss your spouse more often and say “I love you” because life changes in an instant. 

James 4:14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 

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