Thursday, October 7, 2021

Numbers 31:25-30 Spoils of War

 25The LORD said to Moses, 26“You and Eleazar the priest and the family heads of the congregation are to take a count of what was captured, both of man and beast. 27Then divide the captives between the troops who went out to battle and the rest of the congregation.

28Set aside a tribute for the LORD from what belongs to the soldiers who went into battle: one out of every five hundred, whether persons, cattle, donkeys, or sheep. 29Take it from their half and give it to Eleazar the priest as an offering to the LORD.

30From the Israelites’ half, take one out of every fifty, whether persons, cattle, donkeys, sheep, or other animals, and give them to the Levites who keep charge of the tabernacle of the LORD.”

Spoils of War

“Customarily, the spoil belonged to the soldiers alone, but God did not want soldiers who were looters or pirates. So, He commanded that they also grant some of the spoil to the people of Israel who did not fight.

A portion of the spoil also was to be given to the LORD. Even with the spoils of war, God wanted Israel to have the heart of givers.” (Guzik)


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