Saturday, July 31, 2021

Numbers 23:11-12 Curses or Blessings?

 11Then Balak said to Balaam, “What have you done to me? I brought you here to curse my enemies, and behold, you have only blessed them!”

12But Balaam replied, “Should I not speak exactly what the LORD puts in my mouth?”

Curses or Blessings?

Balak paid for curses but got blessings for the Israelites instead! He was ðŸ˜¡ 

But examine Balaam’s response, it’s void of love ❤️ for God, it’s cold as ice!

Last night we watched a documentary on the exodus, the parting of the Red Sea. It appears they discovered the actual location as described in the Bible and they used a robotic submersible camera to examine the floor of the sea. The coral located there only grows on certain objects and it had wheel and axle patterns believed to be the chariots of the pharaoh’s army.

Imagine 2.2 million Israelites crossing through the Red Sea, now imagine Balak looking out over the plain and seeing 2.2 million Israelites.

Do you think Balak heard of the plight of the pharaoh’s army?

Can you see Balak’s concern?


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