Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Receive and Believe Jude 1:20-21

 What are you looking forward to today? An upcoming vacation? Family coming to visit? A get together? What about eternal life? That would involve dying and hopefully you’re not looking forward to death but are you looking forward to your afterlife? If not, why not?

Did you know Christianity is the only religion where you don’t have to earn your way into heaven? Some religions do not believe in an afterlife. One believes Heaven and hell are figurative. A few religions believe in reincarnation. Juche, the official religion of North Korea believes when you die you spend eternity with the Dictator President forever. How exciting is that! And then there’s the 72 virgins……..

But with Christianity, you get to spend eternity with a Savior who gave everything so you could be with Him. No more pain, no more tears and no more struggles. All you have to do is receive the free gift of salvation and believe in God’s one and only Son. Receive and believe, it’s as simple as that. 

So I’ll ask you again, are you looking forward to your afterlife? 

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