Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Numbers 19:14-16 Quarantine

 14This is the law when a person dies in a tent: Everyone who enters the tent and everyone already in the tent will be unclean for seven days, 15and any open container without a lid fastened on it is unclean. 
16Anyone in the open field who touches someone who has been killed by the sword or has died of natural causes, or anyone who touches a human bone or a grave, will be unclean for seven days.


Unclean for seven days because of contact with death, but today with Covid if you were in contact with an infected person we are required to quarantine for fourteen days. 

But what if you die without the blood ðŸ©¸ of Jesus forgiving your sins?

Your soul will be quarantined in hell because you are unclean, because you died with sin, without the Savior.

Do you want to be quarantined in hell for eternity or live with Jesus in heaven for eternity?

It’s a simple question.


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