Friday, March 5, 2021

Numbers 9:4-5 Passover Lamb

 4So Moses told the Israelites to observe the Passover, 5and they did so in the Wilderness of Sinai, at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. The Israelites did everything just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

“in His maturity, in His very prime, then Jesus Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us. And, moreover, at the time of His death, Christ was full of life, for we are informed by one of the evangelists that, “He cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost.” (Spurgeon)

Other versions say, and breathed his last, and yielded up His spirit.

Have you been around a loved one when they breathed his last and yielded up their spirit? I was fortunate to be at the bedside of my grandmother, mother and father when they yielded up their spirit.

Jesus Christ is my Passover lamb, is He yours?


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