Thursday, December 31, 2020

Will You Pray for Me?

 A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 

I purchased this movie for my spouse for Christmas. Actor Tom Hanks portrays Fred Rogers. It’s a great movie but it’s not about the man, it’s about his love for children and a magazine writer overcoming his hatred for his father.

It’s based on this article,

Can you say- Hero?

Why do I recommend you read the article and watch the movie?

Fred had an interesting way of praying for people who were dying. Everyday he got on his knees and prayed for them by name, their full name. But the interesting part is when he asked the person who was on the deathbed to pray for him. He would say something to the affect..... what you’re going through right now, you must really be close to God. Will you pray for me?

We have all told people we will pray for them but Fred’s way of asking for prayer for himself brings a different dimension to a prayer request.

It’s a similar technique to my question. “How are you holding up today?” 

Instead of asking. How are you doing today? With the latter you get the canned response, “ok” while the person is holding a smiley mask over their face. 

When you ask, how are you holding up today?..., they aren’t used to the question and they have to think about it. You will most likely peel back the onion and receive an honest response.

The same technique is used with Fred’s prayer request. “What you’re going through right now, you must really be close to God. Will you pray for me?”

The person that we believe that needs prayer has been thinking about their life, about what they wished they have done differently, about dying. 

When you ask them to pray for you, it gets them thinking differently.

We all need prayer intervention and who knows, they might respond.... I don’t know how..... and a door will open.

Will you pray for me?

Blessings, David 

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