Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Leviticus 19:19 Mixtures!

 19You are to keep My statutes. You shall not crossbreed two different kinds of livestock; you shall not sow your fields with two kinds of seed; and you shall not wear clothing made of two kinds of material.

“Partly, to teach the Israelites to avoid mixtures with other nations, either in marriage or in religion; which also may be signified by the following prohibitions.” (Poole)

“Since those pagan customs are no longer an issue in our day, we shouldn’t worry about mixing wool, linen, or other fabrics. This law is a good example of something that is no longer binding upon Christians today, because the pagan custom the law guarded against is no longer practiced.” (Guzik)

The command about clothing made me wonder about the Amish and why they wear the plain clothing.

This is what I found with a internet search;

Why do the Amish wear plain clothing?

Amish dress plainly for a number of reasons. Here are three:

1) Modesty – Amish feel plain dress demonstrates modesty. Plain clothes are not revealing. Women’s dresses are loose and not form-fitting. Men wear long trousers in public in summer as well as winter, rather than shorts. Amish believe that a plain appearance befits a Christian people who emphasize internal virtues over appearance and other superficial external qualities.

2) Biblical basis – The concept of Plain clothing has a Biblical basis, though the specific type of clothing Amish wear is not Biblically-mandated. Amish cite verses including I Peter 3:3, 4 and I Timothy 2:2 in support of wearing Plain clothing.

3) Identity – Think about a time you’ve seen Amish people. You likely knew they were Amish by their appearance. If not for the beards, hair coverings, and plain dresses, they could be a part of any (or no) religious group.

I tend to dress plainly and do not stand out in a crowd.

Unless we have subzero temperatures and I wear my Russian winter cap! LOL

Blessings, David 

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