Thursday, July 9, 2020

An Internal Disagreement, light from darkness!

I thought you would enjoy this devotional. Do you remember the time you were living in darkness with no light from above?
I do, it was working for the weekend so I could party like the rest of the world, being sinful and full of lusts for things of the world. I had no hope, just despair. 
Why else would I desire to drown myself by partying?
Then one day my wife drug me to a church, it was different, it was real and the Lord touched my heart ❤️ and said, come to me my son, come to your Father.
I answered an alter call and the light entered my body.

The Lord slowly worked on my mind, body and soul. I started living for Him, doing things for Him. Not for salvation because He had already given me that free gift when I answered that alter call. I did and do things for Him because I love him and He loves me.
We adopted a ten year old that no one wanted because He asked us to.
I tried displaying His light with my daily walk but I’m not a Billy Graham! 
I’m me and He created me for who I am.
I walked the halls of a veterans home shining His light until the pain in my feet was so unbearable and I could no longer do it.

Now I write daily devotionals and every once in a while someone gives me a glimmer of His light with an encouraging word. 
Satan tries to discourage me, the world around us is crumbling but I find hope in Him, in His light.
Can you see His light?
He is waiting for you to invite Him in, into your heart ❤️.
All you need to do is to turn on the light switch from above!

Blessings, David

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Truth For Life

Daily Update

July 9

Hear Today's Program

An Internal Disagreement 

And God separated the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1:4
A believer has two principles at work within him. In his natural estate he was subject to one principle only, which was darkness; now light has entered, and the two principles disagree. Consider the apostle Paul's words in the seventh chapter of Romans: "I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members."1 How is this state of things occasioned? "God separated the light from the darkness." Darkness, by itself, is quiet and undisturbed, but when the Lord sends in light, there is a conflict, for the one is in opposition to the other, a conflict that will never end until the believer is altogether light in the Lord.
If there is a division inside the individual Christian, there is certain to be a division outside. As soon as the Lord gives light to any man, he proceeds to separate himself from the darkness around; he withdraws from a merely worldly religion of outward ceremony, for nothing short of the Gospel of Christ will now satisfy him, and he removes himself from worldly society and frivolous amusements and seeks the company of the saints, for "We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers."2
The light gathers to itself, and the darkness to itself. What God has separated, let us never try to unite; but as Christ went outside the camp, bearing His reproach, let us come out from the ungodly and be a special people. He was holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners; and as He was, so we are to be nonconformists to the world, dissenting from all sin, and distinguished from the rest of mankind by our likeness to our Master.
Devotional material is taken from “Morning and Evening,” written by C.H. Spurgeon, revised and updated by Alistair Begg. Copyright © 2003, Good News Publishers and used by Truth For Life with written permission.

One-Year Bible Reading Plan

Today's Reading

Joshua 11
Psalm 144
Jeremiah 5
Matthew 19

From Alistair Begg

Today's Program

Listen to the Entire Sermon

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