Friday, August 11, 2017

Two dogs!

There are people that battle the lust and desires of the flesh and then
there are those that never battle it at all, they just give in to it
whenever it happens. The enemy has set up camp where you are at. The devil
attacks when you least expect it, and for many, they seem to be losing the
battle. Sex, pornography, alcohol, drug addiction, fear, anger, malice,
worry and so many other problems are the tools that the enemy uses to kill,
steal and destroy. For those that choose to battle, there are usually 3
steps down that road, Trigger, Thought, and Action. We need to understand
our Triggers, change our Thoughts, before they become Actions. There are
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, in the B.I.B.L.E. that will help
those who truly desire that help. It says in *Galatians 5:16 But I say,
walk habitually in the [Holy] Spirit [seek Him and be responsive to His
guidance], and then you will certainly not carry out the desire of the
sinful nature [which responds impulsively without regard for God and His
precepts]. 17 For the sinful nature has its desire which is opposed to the
Spirit, and the [desire of the] Spirit opposes the sinful nature; for these
[two, the sinful nature and the Spirit] are in direct opposition to each
other [continually in conflict], so that you [as believers] do not [always]
do whatever [good things] you want to do.* If you have 2 dogs that fight
all the time, the one that will win is the one that you feed the most, the
one that is stronger. Lord, please help Your children that are in the fight
get into Your word and Your word to get into them. Help us to remember that
You won the battle of sin and death at Calvary. Also that we are fighting
from victory and not for victory, In Jesus name, amen.


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