Saturday, August 13, 2016

Do you really care?

John13:35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love
for one another.
Mark12:31 And the second, like *it, is* this: ‘You shall love your neighbor
as yourself.’...

Genuine love and concern seems to be rare these days. I asked a guy how he
was doing? He said ok. Then he asked me, not really paying attention. I
asked him, do you really care? His response was, no not really. Christians
are called to love, because we have experienced the love of God through
Jesus by Holy Spirit. There are many ways to love, spending time talking to
someone who needs someone to care, helping people who cannot do what they
need to do, filling a need that needs filled, putting love into action.
Simple love is maybe helping a homeless person understand that they are
still a person. Many of us judge others without knowing there story. We
might give money or food, drop and run. Ask their name, what brought them
to this, ask to pray with them. Let them know that Jesus loves them. Love
is the greatest investment for the kingdom and the best parts is the only
cost is your time.


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